Beauty Rise

3,996 yen

FANCL’s finest beauty supplement based on cutting-edge anti-aging science. Features “AG polyphenol,” a cosmetic ingredient that combines pomegranate flower polyphenol and apple polyphenol. Wake up every day with youthful, translucent and radiant skin.

Function and Action


Approx. 30 days
180 tablets

3,996 yen
including tax


Approx. 60 days
(Economy set of 2 packets)
1 packet (180 tablets) x 2

7,592 yen
including tax
400 yen discount


Approx. 90 days
(Economy set of 3 packets)
1 packet (180 tablets) x 3

11,268 yen
including tax
600 yen discount

【Advisable Daily Intake】

6 tablets


Apple, gelatin


*Not to be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women, or by children.